< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=984868295902645&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> 2004 Built 9600 DWT Oil Tanker For Sale – VesselsLink

2004 Built 9600 DWT Oil Tanker For Sale

Type: Oil Tanker
Construction location: China
Built: 2004
Classification Society: ZC
Total length / vessel width / type depth: 123.6m / 18.80m / 9.60m
Gt: 5875T
Nt: 3290T
Main Engine Power: 2426 kW
Diesel Carrying Capacity: 8600T
Petrol (Gasoline) Carrying Capacity:7600T
Cargo Hold Volume: The total cargo hold capacity is 10580 cubic meters
Cargo Oil Pump Equipment: Equipped with 2 cargo oil pumps, each with a capacity of 500 cubic meter


2004 Built 9600 DWT Oil Tanker For Sale

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